Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Hang On, We Have to Optimize

Thankfully I tried logging in thirty minutes before the raid. Windows first gives me a "Should we allow this?" message about letting the patcher use public and private network connections. Then the patcher un-pauses to show me this…

This is probably a good thing. While I do clear out the WTF folder once a year and rebuild the caches there are probably other things that build up. Just wish this was done at the end of my play session. Maybe a message, "After logging out we want fifteen more minutes of time to clean shit up." Would be less intrusive. And players are already used to Windows doing that.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Commando 24 and Four Compantions

M1-4X is hilarious! Usually prefer to quest with a healing companion for lower downtime yet I am going to try to use this guy.

Really surprised how Troopers get their companions so early. At twenty-four I now have ranged DPS, heals, and tank. This is probably going to be my next 50. Which is a shame since the Operative is now 33…

No More Face At 22

Commando is getting through Nar Shadda. Completing Nar Shaddaa Blood Sport rewarded her first full helm, so she's completely obscured now! Now to see about getting same-colored accents on all her pieces…

Not All Healers Are Equal... or Itemized

Was reviewing Elara's gear before the maintenance kick when I noticed her gun has Cunning mods. Aim is her primary stat so yeah. Guess those will have to be replaced. Not sure if I'll be using her to quest since Aric's DPS has been great.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Highly Visible Importance of Galactic Perfection

Doing the Commando Class Questline on Taris. During The Arrangement an unsuspecting Ensign is transformed into a rakghoul. Despite his internal organs exploding and resettling his ass came out looking great. Like pretty much every ass in SWTOR…

What's That Datacron Worth

There's the GM of one of the guilds I'm in selling an easy trip to the +10 Datacron in General Chat. Naturally it garners some snide trolling. Getting that buggy thing done is quite a damn hassle so maybe people will pay it. Seems like a bad guild rep thing though.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

There Is No Light

Finally hit Dark V sometime this week. Leveling Diplomacy I would occasionally take high-yeild light side missions so there were almost 2000 stray light side points to overcome. Yet I noticed that now they're all gone…

Monday, January 23, 2012

Worth One Month... Then What?

Haven't changed my mind since Thursday so I got this little token in every in-game mailbox. It really is more fun than the gearing/alt'ness that I'd be doing in WoW. Yet it isn't more fun than the WoW endgame.

I'm going to need to see some things:
Combat Log with Export
DPS Meter
LFG Tool
Moveable, Extensible UI

Find it hilarious I still hear people making excuses, often in reference to WoW. About how WoW was horrible at launch and would have three-day downtimes. Whatever. This is 2012. Product feels late beta but has been released over a month.

Doubt I'll do a second month. Resub after there's more content in. Don't pvp at all since republic. Not feeling energized to resettle imperial.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Unlimited Power! What It's Like

Apparently being 300 years old makes being in two places at once easy. Lord Scourge needs to reveal some secrets!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Clever or Really Lazy...

Was doing The Last Defenders when I ran into a little annoyance. It is difficult to target the various corpses since they don't have nameplates. With no loot they disappear pretty fast so you have to be on the ball. When attempting to scan a robot that has already been scanned you get this error across the screen.

Now maybe they're trying to be clever but I don't think so. Instead of a more friendly "You have already scanned this robot's corpse" message, this 701 thing is thrown at you. There are worse ones that I will have to capture—definitely one on Nar Shaddaa. So many parts of SWTOR that have no polish. Sure they're little things but after a while it gets noticeable.

Prospering in Huttball Without 50s

PVP is very sad for Republic on the Kaas City server. Yet sometimes things really go our way. This was the second game I'd played with the Commando and her first Huttball. Whoa.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Starter PvP Gear Price Bump

Looks like 1.1 brought a stealthy increase to the starter PvP gear. It is almost double, iirc. In the long run that's not really a big deal since anyone that plays three games a day will be able to pick up their items in short order. While I agree the items were too cheap given their quality, I am glad I already bought the important future pieces. Doubt many others were as forward-thinking as I was though.

Subscription Retention, Round 1

Please don't leave yet! Stay for three months, please!!

Subscription date is coming up fast. I probably will stay on for another month yet it's a close thing. It really is a fun game to play. Since I like leveling alts it would be easy to dork around for a while. But there isn't much end game content, so it's unlikely many of my friends will remain.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Somewhere Beyond Damn Lies

This hasn't been my experience. Unless my companions secretly hate me. Hate me.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Eternity Vault Down

Pretty fun raid. There weren't any real surprise mechanics or a lot of bullshit rng to fight. Some trash has to be cleared though it wasn't enough to be painful. A speeder appears at the entrance to take you near the current boss in the event of a wipe. Wanted to throw out the basics of the strats used to get to the end.

Annihilation Droid XRR-3
Seemed like a basic DPS and co-ordination check. There are two turrets with power cells at their base. Kill all the cells and the turrets to get the boss to spawn. At timed intervals a mixture of ranged and melee adds will spawn that have to be killed.

Boss himself has a cleave and knock-back, so melee needs to be on his butt and tank has to aim himself appropriately. Every so often boss will go into "missile mode" with aoe that hits everyone. Raid will los around the dead turrets then resume normal functions once it ends. Rinse, repeat, win.

Another pretty straight-foward raid check. Gharj has a point-blank aoe so melee need to be at max hit-box range. Will also to a raid-wide knock back so ranged/heals need to be ready to run out of lava and back onto platform. Boss needs to be tanked at the edge of his platform as he will periodically throw a tantrum and destroy the platform he is on. Seconds before this a rocky path appears and the raid needs to be ready to move once the boss begins his channel. As a Sentinel, I popped Transcendence for the raid-wide movement speed. Lava didn't tick for significant damage (seemed around 450 per second).

Unlock and Anti-Carry
The next two loot drops come from the story. To gain access to the final boss's area there are two locks that have to be opened simultaneously. The raid splits into two groups to accomplish this. Each lock has tumblers that have to match up, one row at a time. The center ring switches between one of six symbols. Each time you move the tumbler left or right adds will spawn, so the goal is to minimize the moves. Here's the order I found:

Yellow <=> White <=> Green <=> Red <=> Purple <=> Blue <=> (back to yellow)

So if the current row is on Green and you need Yellow, going left twice is win. It makes total sense when you see it and sadly I didn't get a picture.

The next encounter is inside the vault where you meet guardians in stasis. I can't remember the "real" name for this, so I call it "Anti-Carry." There are eight guardians that have to be defeated to gain access to the core. Each of these must be SOLO'd. There are two mobs that tanks "should" be able to kill, four mobs DPS "should" be able to kill, and two mobs healers "should" be able to kill. And each must be dispatched individually. If any raid member affects another in any way (heals, buffs, etc.) it's a wipe. There's also a two minute time limit. You have to know your class, be geared, and get shit done. Awesome, imo. They aren't really that bad, maybe 75k health with typical strong-mob abilities. But you have to use your CDs and killing skills.

Incredibly fun fight!! Basically the boss is DPS'd whenever his shield is down. Boss will Mind Trap a raid member, porting them into another where they have a single mob to kill (think final boss in Scholomance). The Mind Traps must be DPS'd down to release the trapped player. Balls of Lightning also spawn. They pick a player and slowly chase them down, exploding after a time or upon reaching the player. The chosen player has to kite them, and not over other players as the Ball does do some aoe damage.

The boss will periodically freak out and destroy the platform the raid is on. When he start to cast this Freak, raid member need to move immediately to the outer portion of the ring. There will then be fragments of the platform to jump down upon, destroying a lantern on each, then jumping down to the next, until a fresh platform is reached. Rinse/repeat all of the above.

Once at the bottom of the vault, the boss will Mind Trap and summon Ball Lightning more often, creating a soft enrage. At the bottom the tank must now keep the boss under an inverted yellow pyramid so he remains vulnerable to attack. Burn burn burn and win.

All through-out the encounter is the most amusing form of CC I've seen in a while. A random player is picked to be stunned. This is accomplished via a force-like tether that whips the player all around the room, doing some slight damage. It can be dizzying but overall it's hilarious.

Very fun introduction to Ops. Nothing too demanding. Our group finished everything in about two hours. Anyone with former raiding experience and decent gear should experience the same. We actually would have been faster yet the first encounter with the guns bugged on us a few times, wasting maybe 20-30min.

Loot distribution was a little annoying. Though we tried to master loot it was always round robin. Upon opening a chest we found items that were already assigned to specific people. It never assigned anything improperly but it didn't assign it equally. That is, there were eight Jedi Knight drops and four of them went to a single player. The bop recipes were always assignable via Master Loot though.

There were also quest/codex completion problems. I did not get credit for the weekly quest nor did I get the final boss Codex entry, yet all of the bosses are on my lockout. Bug reporting this I got the generic "Thanks for reporting this bug, fuck off" response.

Quirks aside this experience bodes well for SWTOR end-game, imo. :) I managed to walk away with a T1 chest and a 136--which help.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AFK from WoW Means Online in SWTOR

So Dend says:
With my AFK for work for 4-5 weeks out of the next 2 months (2-3 weeks in jan and 2-3 weeks in feb) and spending time in Star Wars (and being burned out from wow), I'm going to take a break from raiding in WoW likely until March. I'll probably look at things at that point and reassess.
To which I made a quick response with…