Thursday, February 26, 2015

Vanity Pet Ladder, Redux

Had to capture this immediately since it won't last. It's been a week since I gleefully reported passing Shian on the PvE Pet Ladder. Now, thanks to Raiding with Leashes III: Drinkin' From the Sunwell, I have passed Ravenlight!

It's only a five point lead so it won't last. Raven hasn't had time to hit the old instances and her daughter always helps. But at least I'll have a couple of days in the sun. *snicker* Sadly I was only able to get six on my own. Had to blow over 30k on the Auction House to round it out:

Will be getting a few more points. I had just over 3700 Pet Charms so I'm going through all the highest level unique pets and getting them upgraded to Rare. If there enough charms left I'll buy level stones to get them all to 20. Should be a good baseline.

Not sure the push was worth it… but K'ute is damn cute…

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Vanity Pet Ladder

Since Warlords hit I've put many, many hours into leveling Battle Pets yet only yesterday did I finally pass my first rival, Shian. Sadly my second rival, Ravenlight, remains a killer.

My lead over Shian is tenuous at best. She has a lot more pets than I do and could easily pass me with some leveling. Catching Raven is more realistic yet I have many sub-Rare quality pets to upgrade.

Yet the bulk of the work is complete. My average unique pet level is now 20.7—thanks to the fantastic menagerie XP. Only one month ago that number was down around 13. Thankfully I managed this big push since 6.1 comes out next week and the massive XP will be nerfed.

From here on out the free level stones from the daily Big Bag of Pet Supplies will raise that average. I will use the Pet Charms to buy Rare conversion stones since they no longer de-level your pet in 6.1. Slow process but a natural one.