Friday, March 20, 2015

Vanity Pet Ladder, Skin of Teeth

Spent a lot of time summoning vanity pet, clicking level stone, summon vanity pet, click level stone, ad infinitum. I'm sure others are, too. Managed to cover a lot of ground and I'm currently, barely, at #5 on the server. The dirty Ravenlight is gaining ground. *sigh*

Must say I have enjoyed the Twitter integration that 6.1 brought. There were a number of times that I would intend to tweet something. Procrastination coupled with distractions and those tweets went forgotten. Now I just crop an image the best I can then move on.

This was todays bit of fluff. None of these spontaneous tweets are that creative or amusing… but at least I'm actively contributing Internet flotsam.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Sid Meier, Lite

After my so-so interest in Civ: BE I didn't let myself get too interested in Spaceships. I did watch some of the initial stuff on Twitch but haven't made it back. Yet.

The biggest criticism I've heard is that there isn't much depth and the voice-overs are lack luster. That might not bother me. Might be fun to have a space experience that you can tackle in one sitting.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Warcraft Fan Art

I've seen a number of exceptional fan renditions of game art. But never something like this...

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Vanity Pet Ladder, Continued

After a week I've somehow managed to maintain my lead on the dreaded Ravenlight. *snicker* Was chatting with her over the weekend. She hasn't had a chance to level new things so I've widened the gap further. In fact, thanks to almost 1000 Pet Charms I'm now up to 6th on the server.

That set of charms I used to level. Buying Mystery Bags ended up getting me nearly twice the number of levels Flawless Battle-Training Stones would have. Still have over 2000 charms left which I intend to use on Rare Stones. Warcraft Pets says I have 17 Poor, 23 Common, and 54 Uncommon Pets. Ninety-four stones will cost 1410 Charms. That will be a lot of clicking. *sigh* 

Once done all that's left is the leveling from daily rewards. Wonder where I will peak.