So Mining is the foundation of the EVE economy and I decided to start there, taking the Industry Career series given by Timestre Facent in the Federal Navy Academy School that orbits Moon 1 of Couster II. While I found the hand-holding quests invaluable they were gaps and some missing information. I'm very analytical and literal when in uncharted waters so I was greatly frustrated for an hour or so. Thankfully I joined a new corporation that turned out to be quite helpful.
The tutorial mentioned joining a corporation as soon as possible but I was wary. Since there aren't multiple servers I didn't want to make a bad name for myself on Day One. It seems that the training times are the prime barrier to playing so I don't want to have to restart a character if I don't have to. Yet there were only four people around and the CEO was incredibly knowledgeable and approachable. Let them be my knowledge base and got some mining done. I didn't feel competent enough to join them wherever they were but it was good to monitor and pick things up.
I was near the end of the quest chain when I ran into a major hurdle. Quests have a bonus for being completed with a certain amount of time. There was a really big bonus for getting a ship built yet the facilities you start at are
incredibly busy. I had six hours to get an afterburner built yet the shortest queue available was seven hours. The corp people reminded me I could buy things off the Market. Yet this was a quest, nub item that wasn't even searchable.
The game did say any port with Science and Industry could build things so I tried warping to an adjacent system, Algogille, in hopes of finding one. There was one assembly line with a 22min queue… win! Unforunately this didn't help for the biggest build and biggest bonus mission. The ship I was constructing was too big to be transported so I had to find an assembly line where the quest giver was. Thankfully it was pretty late so there was a five hour queue available meaning I have to wake up early to turn it in before the bonus period ends.
There were other small things. Like on a mining mission, you have to mine from the
exact spot you warp in at. I saw a mine field in front of me so I moved up, grabbed ore, and headed back. No good. The object wouldn't complete and the Rookie channel wouldn't respond. Turns out if you look to your left, there's an asteroid right when you warp in that completes your objective. This asteroid doesn't appear in the Overview, there's no flashing, no prompts, nothing. You just have to see it.
At another point you're required to have Industry 1 trained to continue. Yet that skill wasn't in my list to train. Thankfully the Corp told me I could just buy it off the market and they were right. Was a little more tweaked when the reward was an Iteron-class ship that requires Gallente Industrial Level 1 to use. That skill costs 280kISK on the market! Being a Gallente myself there should be some way of getting that without taking a quarter of my money.
Even after hours of playing there are still a myriad of questions I have with no clear way of getting them answered. The
Rookie Help channel has been 3000-5000 people in it, which was a start. But questions get lost. It is fun to watch while bored since helpful tidbits sometimes scroll by. The online manual is actually a Wiki that is mostly player-edited.
Zam's site is rather barren. Will stick it out with the career quests then see what turns up as I play. The corporation my also help. Whew!