Friday, April 29, 2016

Who's Horde?

Last night Final Fantasy was promoting the 3.3 patch...

Haven't played FFXIV in over a year but I still sniff at what they're up to. Nearly fell out of my chair when I saw this little interaction this morning...

Absolutely hilarious. So great to see such big IPs so packaged, so contained, having moments like this.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Night Before Old Gods

Thanks to a reddit post pointed out by Kripp I got things ready for tomorrow's Hearthstone release. Boiled down to:

  • Did you pre-purchase the 50-pack bundle of Whispers of the Old Gods? Yes.
  • Have you got your (golden) Old Murk-Eye yet? I do now.
  • Are you done with your GvG set? Not really but oh well.
  • Have to unlocked Naxx? Yes.
  • Do you have an open quest slot? Yes. 

The nerfs that came down were pretty annoying. I was getting comfortable with and enjoying combo druid—*sigh*. Other than druid class cards that got hammered the nerfs all seemed in-line. Knife Juggler is fine doing two damage. Three mana for the Ironbeak Owl is still effective. Losing one attack on Leper Gnome was painful but it's still doing work. 

The only nerf that really annoyed me was to Arcane Golem. Losing a high damage Neutral with charge was fucking lame. Wish I understood more about what Blizzard dislikes in the current meta. 

Oh well. So far the only nerfed cards I dusted were a golden Master of Disguise and an extra copy of Master of Disguise. Will probably kill the Golems. Not something I have to do right away. Currently sitting at 2390 Dust and 4525 Gold.

Currently watching apDrop stream. Thinking I might take his advice. While everyone is dicking around with new decks and concepts you can climb with aggro decks. Not sure it will be that easy since most the play testing shouldn't be done ranked. But I might be able to throw a Tempo Mage or Aggro Shaman together…

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Firebat Tweeted With Me!!

I generally dislike social media because of the commercial abuse. Sometimes I'm okay with the exploitation for little moments like this:

Firebat talked to me!! *teen giggle*

So maybe we didn't really talk. But it was interaction with one of my favorite Hearthstone players. Despite being an exceptional player, he's very accessible and he has an excellent sense of humor. Sorta felt bad I didn't know about his early loss in the BlueStacks Invitational thing. He's really been pushing to get Blizzard points wherever they're available.

Lately I've been using a Kolento mid-range Druid on the ladder. Initially tried it out since I had all the cards in his list and really liked it. Since then I've kept an eye out for Druid insights. Firebat's observations were really concise and all made sense to me.

Unfortunately I can't make all the tech swaps since I don't have the cards. Not going to do any more crafting until Old Gods comes out. Being able to understand the points was helpful regardless.