Thursday, November 3, 2011

Showing Custom Buffs and Debuffs in Grid

Seems like every guild I'm in I always post about Grid basics. It's so flexible that every class can make use of it, though I currently only use it for healing. Rest of the time the built-in raid frames get me by. The default frames with "Keep Groups Together" is now pretty close:

Unfortunately, when you choose that option, you can no longer sort by Role, Group, or Alphabetical. Alphabetical, by Group, is the default for grid:

Our officers will keep melee and ranged group, then use the Grid Order when assignments are necessary.

The built-in frames also don't have the ability to add desired debuffs to watch for. This is a prime ability of grid. The latest case was wanting to monitor whom has the Tormented debuff in the Heroic Baleroc encounter. There are three steps to making Grid display it.

Step One: Add Aura. Clicking on the Status tab there will be a box on the right to "Add new Debuff". Start typing in the box and Grid will show you matching suggestions. Type out or select "Tormented".

Step Two: Set Priority. There are a number of buffs and debuffs Grid will display. To be sure Tormented is shown instead of them, set a high priority for it. The Grid defaults are never above 90, so click on the new entry on the left "Debuff: Tormented" then move to Priority slider on the right to a value higher than 90. Such as 95...

Step Three: Specify Indicator. Grid can display buffs and debuffs in a number of different places. The most noticeable is an icon in the center of a toon's box. Click on the Indicators tab. In the left list click on "Center Icon" then in the right list, scroll down until you find "Debuff: Tormented" then click the box next to it.

Done! During the encounter, Grid will now show whomever has Tormented like so...

There's lots more that can be done but this is usually enough to get people going.

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