Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Maybe ArcheAge in my Old Age

Just watched Kripparrian ramble on about why he won't be playing ArcheAge. He did research about how the game works which makes me feel good about passing on it. Right before release they changed they way Labor Potions worked—adding a Pay-to-Win element. I agree with Krip in that once a company makes this kind of decision there will be more bad decisions around the corner.

For me it was a little more basic than that. Land ownership is core to the game and it requires either a massive amount of effort or $50. That tells me it's not free-to-play. So removing the cooldowns on Labor Potions plus making crafting require more Labor Points didn't surprise me.

Crafting itself was the next deterrent for me. While detailed and complex normally creates a rich experience, to me it all seemed tedious. And if I'm bored with crafting I would be missing out on a large chunk of the game. Not like I could anyway… since I won't pay $50 I couldn't even own land anyway. Public plots? Yeah right.

The final "meh" for me is the PvP requirements. Too often I enjoy doing things on my own. And being forced into PvP even in leveling situations is not appealing. It really sealed the whole "This Game Isn't For Aenara" thing.

Which is too bad. They did do a number of things right. The class design is incredibly flexible and interesting. They have gliders. Their dynamic events aren't terribly interesting or original, but they do add spice. The UI was tolerable. And I have a couple of MMO friends that I never get to game with anymore who are playing it. *sigh*

Oh well. Maybe the next one.

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