Tuesday, October 14, 2014

World of Warcraft Patch 6.0.2: The Iron Tide

Finally time for some new content. While Mists of Pandaria was an enjoyable expansion it went on far too long. I assume it will happen with Warlords so this will likely be the last expansion I play World of Warcraft.

Recorded a quick video of parking my Hunter out by the Dark Portal. In retrospect that may not have been a good idea. It will be lag city so I may not be able to log into her first.

I should log into some of my other characters anyway. As I mentioned in the video I am most excited about the Toy Box. Silly as that sounds it's going to save me TONS of bag space and most of the awesome rare trinkets I've collected over the last decade are now available to all my toons.

Of course the removal of hit/expertise/reforging is a close second. Having more than fifteen characters across the two servers has been exhausting. It's going to be a lot easier to maintain raid-ready alts.

I'm concerned most about the tradeskills changes; seems like Blizzard trivializing all of them. Removing their bonuses along with giving all the basics to the garrison is strange. The only benefit to having a profession is the ability to make high-end crafted pieces. But there is so much competition and they're so easily replaced by raid drops... how is this going to work out? Guess I'll find out over the next few months.

The real dread is unavoidable: addons. *sigh* Many of the ones I use have been updated in the last week so hopefully the authors can keep up with whatever get actually released. I suppose the only critical addon I need is WeakAuras. If it dies there's are other addons out there but none with it's power and flexibility.

As to raiding, I'm not sure what's going on. I don't think I'll make the 20-cut on the top-tier team. Little ego damage but I'll get over it. I already have the mount anyway so I should be helping out the second team. Or third. Or whatever ends up happening. I do enjoy Eternal Kingdom but, as usual, I am certain I'll be hedging and raiding elsewhere.

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