Tuesday, October 2, 2012

First Two 90s Done

Got a ninety leveled on both accounts now... what's next?! *lol* There is so much in this expansion it's going to take me a while to unravel everything. In my mind that means a failure on Blizzard's part. It was frustrating not to know where to train flying. Now with phasing it's difficult to know where and what needs to be done next. I don't mind losing the tabard + dungeon grinding. It certainly feels more engaging to have quests and factions to interact with. Yet there's no overall way of telling what's left to be done to engage those factions. Leveling lets you pick and choose where to go so some help would have been appreciated.

Thankfully there are external sites that address this need. For me it's all about WoWhead. Their Pre-Raid Gear Guide and Reputation Quick-Facts are priceless. The only problem there is where to begin! Need the various dailies unlocked but I want to optimize it. Neither the druid nor death knight have the required iLevel to do heroics so that will be my first priority. Thankfully Blizzard made a hotfix a few hours ago that makes the initial Justice Point gear available without having to have the Golden Lotus faction. Just need to figure out which pieces are weakest so I know what to pick up first.

I would like to get the Shaman and the Horde Warlock up to 90 now but I want to figure out how everything works first. Then I'll know where to quest and how long to instance. Been watching some guy named Archon and he seems to echo what I've heard elsewhere. Instance til 87 then start questing at the "right" place.

One thing I know for sure... it will be invaluable to have a Panda flying toon on both accounts. Since mining gives experience and skinning doesn't, the death knight hit 90 first. Train flying immediately then I was able to carry the druid around on the rocket. Makes questing a cinch!

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