Thursday, May 26, 2011

Onward in the Black

Despite being dated I read through the first section of Halada's Mining Guide and understood most of it. As it progressed I started to get less and less familiar with what he was talking about. It still confirmed my worst min/max fear, that starting Caldari might have been better. Which is fine. I love alts and figured I knew enough now to get Aenara started. At least she could get a jump on basic skill training while I still learn things about the game on Merrick. Sadly, my plans were quickly shattered when I got this error message:

Horrible horrible horrible! The time investment for this game is astounding with simple mechanics like this. Still having fun learning things yet with that one limitation it's unlikely I'll subscribe. I am not going to continue the awful, multiple account habit I got into with WoW.

So I got back on Merrick to see what the Corp was up to. They were in the middle of a big mining run so I let them continue while I got back into career missions. While their focus is mining I want to see what the rest of the game is about. The Military Career quest chain was a lot easier. That might be because I'm more familiar with the game, but then it is easier to run out, kill shit, run back.

One thing I'm noticing already is the eye strain. The micro font in the game is pretty taxing. I play it more on the side monitor that runs at a higher resolution. That helps some but I'm already needing a break. Going to do some more research armed with my ever-increasing EVE vocabulary and understanding.

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